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VIP Program
There are currently 10 escorts, future escorts, and other friends waiting to talk to you in our new VIP area.
10 of those are listed on the Escorts page.
0 out of 1000 VIP clients have logged into the new VIP area today.
Benefits of being a VIP
Priority email support
I get A LOT of emails. VIPs get all their emails answered, answered first before other emails, and in a more timely manner.
Unlimited support
I limit the amount of emails for non-VIPs as I know some people just want to talk and have much more time on their hands than I do. I am very busy and need to support my serious clients. If you want to meet me, just complete the booking form. Otherwise, consider joining the VIP program.
Direct Personal Messaging
With the endless amounts of emails here, I have several others helping me with my emails. VIPs get access to a my Direct Messaging system in which I answer all the messages directly.
Get taken seriously
I try to take all potential clients seriously, but unfortunately there are a lot of people out there with just too much time on their hands who just want to waste my time. Don't get insulted but it's impossible for me to tell apart those who are serious from those who are not unless they are VIPs. Hello, I'm CEO of Fortune 500 XYZ company... Ok, then joining the VIP program should be NO problem for you! We have already heard it all. So many have PROMISED they were different, but ended up being exactly like all the other countless time-wasters.
Priority Booking
I sometimes have several booking forms for the same day. VIPs get first choice even if someone else has been confirmed.
If I am not available because it's my day off, I may agree to see a VIP as we try to treat the VIPs very special.
If I am scheduled with another client who is not a VIP, the VIPs booking takes priority even if sent after the regular clients booking request. Be warned, this does happen sometimes.
Further Advanced Bookings
Regular clients are limited to a maximum of 1 month advance bookings, but VIP clients can book up to 2 months ahead to get first chance at scheduling before the regular clients are allowed.
VIP Only Girls
There currently are a total of 29 of my friends listed on my Other Escorts. A total of 145 girls (including regular girls 'AKA potential escorts', escorts, VIP Only escorts) are listed at our new VIP area.
More & Better Pictures
There are usually more pictures to my blog updates which aren't shown on my Photos page. Anything more sexy aren't shown to regular users of this site. VIPs get free and automatic access to all the pictures in my blog galleries.
Guaranteed booking
Once I have confirmed your booking request, you can rest assured I won't cancel unless it's a real emergency which is unlikely to happen. If I cancel, your VIP fee is returned or you may choose to select another girl from the ones listed inside our VIP Area.
Alternative meeting locations
Airport Greeting: For meetings over 24 hours, if you desire, I will greet you at the airport when you arrive. Regular clients can only request a hotel meeting.
Meet at lounge bar, restaurant, your condo, etc... I can meet VIPs almost anywhere they want. Regular clients can only request a hotel meeting for the initial meeting location.
Extended hours for meeting
I will meet you at any time you want... 09:00 morning? 02:00 morning? Usually not a problem for VIPs. Regular clients are usually limited to initial meetings after 12:00 noon and until 22:00 unless they are already checked into their room and I can verify the room during regular hours. So, normally before noon and after midnight I probably won't agree to meet you for initial meetings unless you are a VIP. The girl needs 24 hours notice to meet outside the 12:00 noon to 22:00.
I only do out-call (I go to your hotel). However, for VIPs I can usually arrange in-call (you pay for the room when we meet). I can check into a hotel and be there waiting for you.
Change Girls
If you've scheduled me and later notice another girl in my VIP Area and would like to change, no problem. I will take care of it and I promise I will not be upset. New friends are often being added so this is a nice option to have. Only VIPs get this change at anytime option.
Free Cancellations
I don't like cancellations for any reason and thus I request 1,000 baht cancellation fees, per scheduled booking or day from clients if they cancel. NO EXCEPTIONS. Even if you cancel because you "got sick" or your "mother is sick" or "boss cancelled your trip"...like I haven't heard those lines a million times already! VIPs can cancel "because of any reason" without any problem and without need for explanation--you won't be requested to pay anything. If you are a VIP and I make a mistake and send our standard Cancellation Fee request, just remind me that you are a VIP (only if you really are) as I know I get a little happy sending those requests at times.
Update as of 4th July 2015: I am limiting your free cancellation to no more than 1 in a row for VIPs. Meaning, if you cancel twice in a row then the second time a cancellation fee is due. If you canceled, then met a girl, then canceled again that's "not" twice in a row so no problem.
3 ways to become a VIP
1Girl entered you into the program: This is the most common way people get into this program. If you've seen one of us before, and we enjoyed our time with you, then you were probably already referred for inclusion into the VIP program and you are already a VIP and have been getting VIP service ever since and you might not even know it! Past clients should just ask, we'll tell you.
2Friend Referred you: We get a lot of friends who refer their other friends or co-workers to us. If are one of the many people who was referred by a friend who is a VIP, all you have to do is ask them to email us and mention you.
Warning though, if for any reason you get kicked out of the VIP Program, the friend that referred you gets kicked out too! So be careful who you refer!
33,000 - 3,300 Thai Baht (≅ $100 USD) Deposit: If you haven't previously met any of us before, but want to be entered into the program, you can pay a 3,000 - 3,300 Thai Baht deposit (≅ $100 USD) to be immediately entered into the program. This deposit is deducted from the amount you pay the girl when you meet her so this is really FREE since you will be paying the girl 3,000 - 3,300 Thai Baht less when you meet her.
Remember, VIPs don't pay cancellation fees, so even if you have to cancel your booking, we won't request any cancellation fee like regular clients. Furthermore, we will still get 3,000 - 3,300 Thai Baht deducted the next time you schedule and see a girl even if it's a different girl and even if it's several months or years later--we've been in business for over 10 years and should be around for awhile longer.
If any emergency and the girl cancels, we will give the VIP the option of selecting another girl. You can also select to see no one this time and remain in the VIP program for another date or exit the program and have 3,000 - 3,300 Thai Baht returned, but this ONLY if the girl cancels (NOT if you cancel).
Who Should join
Anyone wanting to schedule a girl in advance.
However, we recommend you complete the booking form 1st to make sure she is even available on the dates you want.
Anyone wanting to engage in a frequent email conversation with a girl prior to their meeting.
Most questions can be easily answered at this site, so if you want to email more than a couple times then you should really join the VIP Program. We find from experience that "serious" clients join the VIP Program or just send a few emails to setup a meeting and meet the girl without a ton of back and forth emails. Clients who do NOT join the join, have not seen a girl before, and are sending A LOT of emails usually end up not really seeing anyone and wasting our time--I keep good data which proves this (so yell at the numbers, not me). Serious clients just book and meet the girl with few if any emails. Dreamers send tons of emails. Usually the more emails someone sends, the less likely they are to eventually meet anyone.
Who should REALLY REALLY join the VIP program
Anyone wanting to assure guarantee their meeting as we only guarantee VIPs.
Anyone wanting to schedule us for several days, in advance.
Anyone wanting to schedule us for any period of time, in advance of more than a week.
Anyone wanting to schedule more than one girl.
Anyone wanting the girl to travel to meet them.
Anyone talking about sponsoring us when they haven't even met us yet.
It shows you might be serious and not just talking shit. And our data shows that clients that have never met a girl, are very unlikely to really sponsor a girl. Join the VIP or at least meet her first to show you are at least more than just talk before wasting her time talking about sponsoring.
Anyone from India, Pakistan, or neighboring countries.
Very sorry to have to mention this, but many escorts refuse to meet clients from India or neighboring countries because too many problems. We don't want to discriminate so we have resisted the temptation to ban clients from these countries, but it would make us feel more comfortable knowing you were a VIP, so we strongly encourage clients from these countries to join. We are more likely to agree to see you if you are a VIP and we will feel more comfortable also.
We keep very very good records so we are only talking about what the data shows. There are many problems, but the most common of which is cancellations as clients from these countries cancel more often than they end up meeting us so often times we will just say we put them on the calendar and we won't or if we do we won't mark the date as busy as we know chances are they'll cancel anyway. If you join the VIP program you can be sure we'll put you on the calendar and we marked that date as.
Clients from these countries please be aware that some girls might require you be a VIP and still limit the meeting to short-time so they can see how you get along with them before they'll agree to extending it to medium or long-time. A few girls might also still refuse to meet you so inquire before you join. Joining the VIP Program and talking to them to get to know them might make a big difference though.
Who should not join
Repeat clients because you are probably already in it! Just contact us and request free access to the VIP area.
UPDATE: 4th of March 2022. Because of the recent improvements to the VIP Area, we are now encouraging everyone to join even if you plan not to come to Thailand to meet any of the girls. There is now so much to do and see inside the VIP Area that it's worth it.
People who do not intend to ever see any of the girls unless you just want more access to the additional pictures and information inside the VIP area.
We have some people join just to join and get better support and access to more pictures. Thanks for the support.
If you plan to see one of the girls today, meeting at your hotel, with the initial meeting occurring during regular hours and she doesn't have to travel far then you probably won't benefit much from joining the program in advance, but it can't hurt either. After your meeting, we can make you a VIP so just ask after you meetme
If you don't see any girls you like and just want access to more girls to make a choice--this is not the why we created the VIP program and not what those few extra girls are intended to be used for.
How to join
Repeat client: If you are a repeat client then you are probably already in the program. I don't notify clients unless they ask, so make sure to ask first before sending deposit.
New clients can join by sending us approximately 3,000 - 3,300 Thai Baht (≅ $100 USD deposit). Contact us for payment methods.
The VIP Program is usually optional and NOT required. You can view the Public and Private Galleries and should be able to make a booking without becoming a VIP.
Past clients can request free VIP access. If you are a past client wondering why you didn"t get access it"s because we won"t give access unless you request it.
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